"Handcrafted Advertising for Handcrafted Jewelry"


Our Offer

Paid Advertising

"We blend tradition with innovation!

Our passion lies in one thing: connecting traditional businesses, from jewelry manufacturing and sales, to innovative opportunities!

Quality is our top priority because, through in-depth research, we know how much dedication and time goes into crafting high-quality jewelry pieces.

If you are looking for an agency that supports you in advertising on Facebook or Instagram, then book your free and non-binding video call today!"

Don't miss your chance ...

We live in an era of constant change and digitalization. Set new standards in your business through successful integration of social media!

  • Paid Advertising

  • Marketing Consulting

  • Social Media Management

  • ​Copywriting

Just as unique as your jewelry pieces are, so are our offers! We are happy to configure an offer that suits your desires.

Our Prices:

We create customized packages for each of our clients. Our prices are tailored as individually to the needs of our clients as our services are. We discuss your goals with you and the measures that will lead to them. Based on these results, we provide you with a non-binding cost estimate.

The Power Of Facebook Advertising:


Total Advertising Revenue In 2023

$11.20 Average CPM

$0.83 Average CPC

3.07 Billion Users

Alina Dumandzic


Meet The Founder

Through my passion for beautiful jewelry and social media, it was easy to decide which aspects should shape my future path. My education with an economic background has enabled me to lay the initial foundations for my new task and dedicate myself to a new challenge.

Let us further enhance the success of your company through innovation!

- Alina

Intro Call ADGOLD

30 Minuten

Book your Call Now!

FREE 15-Minute Intro Call

After the intro call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to achieve consistent and reliable results through funnels and paid advertising.

Choose your appointment in the calendar now to secure your spot today! We look forward to meeting you!

Perfect fit:

  • Companies ready for innovation and growth.

  • Companies that are ready to establish their offline business online.

  • Companies that want to understand how to generate revenue through online advertising.

  • Companies that want to maximize their conversion rate and increase the average value of purchases.

  • Companies looking for an agency that makes their business a priority.

Company: Alina Dumandzic | Austria, 3051 Sankt Christophen, Alleestraße 11 | +43 664 6407591 | [email protected]

Gewerbeordnung: www.ris.bka.gv.at | Data Protection

NOT FACEBOOK: This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.